Robert Fripp

Robert Fripp's Diary

Monday 23 August 1999

Ade amp Robert are belewbricated

17.18 Ade & Robert are belewbricated out following an afternoon of brain & ear dribbling. Larks' Tongues Part IV began our day with some tasty offsets which defy the brain to lead or follow. Adrian is working with the New Standard Tuning, and learning rapidly. Some exquisite nuances emerge in the middle of what might otherwise be fairly tonal music.

Equipment is a subject of alarming non-interest for me.

This is what I've been doing with mine: reconfiguring & programming the digital side (VG8, GR1, GR30) to go through the TC G-Force (which smoothes out the buzziness which accompanies digital guitar); and routing the guitar-guitar (i.e. pick-ups) through 2 Roland GP100s. These are my favourite basic guitar effectors. Then, whether digital or analogue origination, the signal emerges through an Eventide 3000 & 3500. The programme controller is a Rocktron All Access. Two TC2290s lurk gently, waiting to deliver Soundscapes to an uncaring world.

Meanwhile Dan the Hero deals with the ongoing angst of the Guestbook. How dare DGM release something which I can't get on my system? Why doesn't it work when I can get it on my system? You'd better release it on CD or I'll support theft by encouraging someone to bootleg it & sell it to me! How dare you release it on a superior system to the one my computer can handle! It's not fair! And some who have received and enjoy.

Bill Rieflin called this afternoon. He has several (music business) friends who are interested in DGM Live & are beginning to see what is involved. And what is likely to emerge.

We can never see the full repercussions from any of our actions. The Law of Unintended Consequences is perhaps a well-known presentation of this, and enneagram students may recognise implications as well. At each of the points 3, 6 & 9 a full cycle is set in motion. Our attention is likely focused on moving between 0 & 9, although at both 3 & 6 a complete new cycle is also set in motion. When we arrive at 9, the end or beginning again, there are already repercussions at the next point 6 waiting for us,

A poster to the Guestbook today suggests DGM should know the outcome of what we do before we do it (this is the implication of the posting). Clearly, that's not possible. The key Guitar Craft aphorism here is: Honour Necessity. Then, all the repercussions are necessary repercussions. If we do what we see to right, then we may face the repercussions with good heart; while knowing that if we give a poor man our jacket he'll curse us for not giving him our trousers as well. "You cheapskate! Can't give away a full suit, can you?".

We will also face criticism from those who don't see "rightness" in the same terms. "Why didn't you do ...a,b,c, choice n?". Clearly, because I did something else. Unless I am able to enter the space which you inhabit, I will lack the necessary information to make a judgement on your actions & the decisions which gave rise to them. And unless I am able to enter a "higher" space, I will lack the capacity to make a superior judgement. Meanwhile, I take the decisions I do & agree to pick up the tab. This is a wonderful thing to learn: we are able to do whatever we wish, if we are prepared to pay the bill. Sometimes, ahead of time.

This is one possible response to the Guestbook poster whose equilibrium was gently disturbed because the Venal Heartless etc., etc. did not see fit to respond to his reasonable request for several hours of my time for nothing, on the basis only that he is a struggling musician. This man is not prepared to pick up his own tab. Rather, he has the right that someone else (in this case myself) pick up his tab for him. The relevant expression, known to all in the music industry (at least) is "paying our dues". I have the acquaintance of many struggling musicians, and some of them are on DGM. No artist or quality that I know has either:

1. Sought to avoid paying their dues;

2 Demanded their "rights" be placed above their obligations.

Conversely, all the aspirants I have known who have not been keen to pay their dues, and/or who have demanded their "rights", have not succeeded in their chosen field. This observed over four decades & without any joy in the discovery. But, a learning experience for myself & one which I turn to my advantage.

Now, to the shower & then tasty soup.

